Mustard Seed Benefits According to Ayurveda

Mustard Seed Benefits According to Ayurveda

What is mustard seed? Seeds of mustard are tiny round seeds derived from the mustard plant. They come in different varieties and are commonly used as a spice in cooking. If you've ever cooked with mustard seeds, you've probably heard them make popping sounds when sautéed in hot oil.

Despite their small size, mustard benefits can be a powerful and healthy addition to your meals, and their history goes way back. Archaeologists found evidence of people using ground brown mustard seeds with grape juice in Stone Age settlements due to many mustard benefits.  

These tiny seeds were even discovered in the tomb of King Tutankhamun in ancient Egypt. Later on, explorers brought them to Europe, where they were ground up and sold as a condiment in the 9th century. The well-known Grey Poupon Mustard started in France in 1777 by combining ground seeds of mustard with wine.

Table Of Contents:

  1. Benefits Of Mustard Seed In Ayurvedic
  2. Nutritional Value Of Mustard Seed
  3. Mustard Seed Recipes And Its Benefits
  4. Demand Of Organic Mustard Seed
  5. Bottomline
  6. FAQs

Besides being a tasty addition to food, the benefits of mustard seeds have a long history as a healing herb. There are so many mustard seed advantages that cannot be ignored.

People from ancient Greece and Rome to India have used them in traditional medicine for centuries. Continue reading to explore the many benefits of mustard seeds.

Benefits Of Mustard Seed In Ayurvedic

Loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, seeds of mustard are a popular ingredient in Indian cuisine. Initially used in parts of Europe with temperate climates, these small round seeds gradually gained popularity in North Africa and Asia and are now known worldwide for their numerous health benefits.

Coming in various colours, the benefits of mustard seeds are numerous and have been used for medicinal purposes for many years. The uses of mustard seeds in ayurvedic medicines are many. Here are seven reasons why you should consider adding mustard seeds because of high vitamin content to your diet:

Cancer Prevention:

Seeds of mustard contain compounds like glucosinolates and myrosinase, which can prevent the growth of cancer-causing cells.

According to a study in the Journal of Human & Experimental Toxicology, these tiny brown mustard seeds may have potential chemopreventive properties, protecting against the effects of carcinogens and acting as an anticancer element. These nutrients in mustard seeds can help you prevent cancer.

Headache Relief:

One of the main benefits of mustard seeds is it is effective for headaches and migraines, seeds of mustard are rich in magnesium. These mustard seed nutrients have minerals that can help soothe the nervous system, providing relief from pain and strain in various parts of the body.

Digestive Health:

Brown mustard seeds benefits have been used in Ayurvedic for ages to aid digestion. So, if you've had a heavy meal, a pinch of mustard can be nothing but the best for you. Packed with high dietary fiber, they promote easy bowel movements and enhance digestive power.

Provide Antioxidant Effects:

Seeds of mustard are packed with powerful antioxidants that protect your cells. They contain phenolic compounds that neutralise free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage DNA and cell membranes. The phenolics in these seeds scavenge these harmful free radicals before they cause oxidative stress and chronic disease.

Seeds of mustard also contain antioxidant vitamin E. With regular consumption, the antioxidants in the seeds of mustard can boost immunity, slow ageing, and reduce your risk of illness.

Lower Blood Sugar:

For people with type 2 diabetes, incorporating seeds of mustard into your diet could help lower blood sugar levels.

One study found that taking these seed extract supplements along with diabetes medication reduced blood sugar more than medication alone. The compounds in the seeds of mustard may help regulate insulin and glucose levels.

Adding these seeds to meals or taking extracts could potentially improve blood sugar control and reduce complications in those with diabetes.

Cardiovascular Health:

Mustard oil, commonly used in Indian households, is beneficial for those with cardiovascular problems. The benefits of mustard seeds help manage cholesterol levels and reduce bad cholesterol, which is crucial for heart health.

Bone, Teeth, and Gum Strength:

Your grandmother is right about the benefits of mustard seeds. They contain selenium and contribute to stronger bones, nails, hair, and teeth. Their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties also help alleviate pain in the gums, bones, and teeth.

Skin Health:

Keeping your skin hydrated is essential, and brown mustard seed advantages can assist with this. They hydrate the skin, remove impurities, and protect against acne. The seeds' anti-inflammatory properties can reduce inflammation in the body.

Mustard seed for hair can also be beneficial. It helps to keep your hair shiny and reduces hair fall.

Anti-Aging Benefits:

Want to keep that youthful glow? While ageing is inevitable, including mustard seed nutrients in your diet can help delay its signs. The benefits of mustard seeds can help you with this because they are packed with vitamins A, K, and C, and these seeds contribute to reducing the visible signs of aging.

Nutritional Value of Mustard Seeds

Numerous varieties of mustard offer an abundance of nutrients, with mustard seeds benefits standing out as a treasure trove of essential minerals and the uses of mustard seeds also come with a lot of varieties.


mustard seed

These mustard seed nutrients are notably rich in a spectrum of minerals, encompassing copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, and selenium, each contributing to various bodily functions.  The below mentioned values are based on a 20-gram serving of mustard seeds.


Nutritional Value


101.6 cal


2.44 g


5.22 g


7.24 g

Vitamin C

1.42 mg

Vitamin K

1.08 mg


0.16 mg


0.05 mg


0.95 mg


32.4 mg


53.2 mg


1.84 mg


1.22 mg


0.13 mg


74 mg


165.6 mg


147.6 mg


2.6 mg


0.49 mg


41.6 mg


Mustard Seed Recipes And Its Benefits

Sarson Da Saag:


    • Mustard greens, spinach, and bathua leaves
    • Onion, ginger-garlic paste, green chili
    • Cornmeal (makki ka atta)
    • A2 Ghee, mustard seed oil
    • Spices: Turmeric, red chili powder, garam masala
    • Salt to taste


    1. Wash and chop mustard greens, spinach, and bathua leaves.
    2. Boil the greens until tender, then mash them.
    3. In a pan, heat ghee and mustard oil, add mustard seeds, and sauté onions until golden.
    4. Add ginger-garlic paste, green chilli, and spices. Cook until the raw smell disappears.
    5. Add the mashed greens and cornmeal. Cook until the mixture thickens.
    6. Finish with a dollop of ghee and a sprinkle of garam masala.
    7. Serve with makki ki roti.

    Sarson Da Saag is a traditional Punjabi dish packed with nutrients. Mustard greens and spinach are rich in vitamins A, C, and K. Seeds of mustard and mustard oil bring selenium, which supports bone health. The dish is high in dietary fiber and antioxidants, aiding digestion, and the use of ghee provides healthy fats.

    Aloo Methi with Mustard Seeds:


      • Potatoes, fresh fenugreek leaves (methi)
      • Mustard seeds, cumin seeds
      • Spices: Turmeric, coriander powder, red chilli powder, garam masala
      • Ghee or oil
      • Salt to taste


      1. Peel and chop potatoes, and clean and chop fresh fenugreek leaves.
      2. In a pan, heat ghee/oil, add mustard seeds, and cumin seeds.
      3. Add potatoes, spices, and fenugreek leaves. Cook until potatoes are tender.
      4. Finish with a sprinkle of garam masala.
      5. Serve hot with roti or rice.

      Aloo Methi is a flavorful and nutritious dish. Mustard seeds add a unique taste, and the benefits of mustard seeds bring selenium for bone health. Fenugreek leaves are rich in iron, antioxidants and dietary fiber, contributing to improved digestion and maintaining haemoglobin levels. Potatoes provide energy, and spices offer various health benefits.

      Baingan Bharta:


        • Eggplant (baingan)
        • Mustard seeds, cumin seeds
        • Onion, tomato, ginger-garlic paste, green chilli
        • Spices: Turmeric, coriander powder, garam masala
        • Fresh coriander leaves
        • Cooking oil
        • Salt to taste


        1. Roast the eggplant until the skin is charred. Peel and mash the pulp.
        2. In a pan, heat oil and add mustard seeds and cumin seeds.
        3. Add chopped onions, ginger-garlic paste, and green chilli. Sauté until onions are golden.
        4. Add tomatoes spices, and cook until the oil separates.
        5. Add the mashed eggplant and cook until the flavours meld.
        6. Garnish with fresh coriander leaves.
        7. Serve hot with roti or naan.

        Baingan Bharta is a smoky-flavoured delight with health benefits. The benefits of mustard seeds contribute to selenium for bone strength. Eggplant is low in calories and high in fibre, aiding digestion. Tomatoes provide vitamin C, and the dish is rich in antioxidants. The combination of spices adds flavour and potential anti-inflammatory properties.

        Demand For Organic Mustard Seed

        In India, there's a growing demand for the organic benefits of mustard seeds. People are increasingly choosing organic options due to their health benefits and environmental considerations.

        Organic seeds of mustard are cultivated without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, making them a healthier choice for consumers with the increase in antioxidant content.

        benefits of Mustard seed

        Many people prefer them because they are free from harmful chemicals that can be present in conventionally grown seeds. Additionally, organic farming practices promote soil health and biodiversity.

        Facts show that the organic food market in India has been steadily expanding, reflecting a broader shift towards healthier and sustainable living. Consumers are becoming more conscious of the impact of their food choices on both personal well-being and the environment.

        This surge in demand for organic mustard seeds due to the benefits of mustard seeds not only highlights changing consumer preferences but also supports the growth of organic agriculture, fostering a more sustainable and eco-friendly farming landscape in the country.


        Mustard seeds, the tiny powerhouses behind the famous mustard oil, are not just flavor enhancers but also come loaded with antioxidants and health benefits that can greatly contribute to your well-being. Including these seeds in your daily diet, the Indian way, can bring a range of advantages for your health. So, next time when someone asks what is mustard seed or its benefits, you know what to tell them.

        Beyond being a popular condiment, mustard seeds and leaves provide additional avenues to harness the health-boosting potential of this plant. Uses of mustard seeds are also numerous. Benefits of mustard, from aiding in managing blood sugar levels to addressing inflammation and offering protection against infections; mustard brings a wealth of goodness to your plate. It's not just about flavour; it's about enhancing your health in a natural way. You can find this tiny seed in our organic food store.

        The health benefit of mustard seeds are not unknown. Moreover, mustard contains compounds that researchers believe might play a role in protecting against certain types of cancer.

        While the potential benefits are promising, it's essential to note that most studies supporting these claims are small and often conducted on animals, primarily using extracts rather than the mustard seeds, leaves, or paste we commonly use in our everyday cooking.

        Now you might be aware of the benefits of mustard seeds, and so, the next time you enjoy the zing of mustard in your meal, remember – you're not just adding flavor, but a touch of potential health goodness too!


        How do mustard seeds taste?

        Mustard seeds have a unique taste – they are slightly bitter when raw but turn milder and nuttier when cooked or crushed.

        What types of mustard seeds are there?

        There are three main types: yellow mustard seeds, brown mustard seeds, and black mustard seeds. Each type has a distinct flavor profile and the benefits of yellow mustard seeds are numerous compared to the black mustard seeds.

        How are mustard seeds used in cooking?

        Mustard seeds are used to enhance the flavor of various dishes. They can be used whole, crushed, or ground, and are often added to oil for tempering in Indian cuisine.

        Are mustard seeds good for health?

        Yes, the benefits of mustard seeds are nutritionally rich. They contain minerals like selenium and vitamins A, K, and C. They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

        Do mustard seeds have any medicinal properties?

        The benefits of mustard seeds have been identified in ayurvedic medicines and have been used traditionally for their medicinal properties, including aiding digestion, relieving headaches, and potential cancer prevention.

        Can mustard seeds be consumed raw?

        While mustard seeds can be consumed raw, they are often preferred roasted, ground, or used in cooking to enhance their flavor and make them more digestible, but do not forget about the benefits of yellow mustard seeds while included in the recipes. They offer more benefits than the normal ones.

        Are there any side effects of consuming mustard seeds?

        Mustard seeds are generally safe when consumed in moderation. However, excessive intake may cause digestive issues in some individuals.

        Can mustard seeds be used in desserts?

        These seeds are primarily used in savory dishes, but they can add a unique twist to certain desserts, especially when incorporated into spice blends.

        How should mustard seeds be stored?

        These seeds should be stored in a cool, dry place, preferably in an airtight container, to maintain their flavor and prevent them from becoming rancid.

        Can mustard seeds be used for pickling?

        Yes, mustard seeds are commonly used in pickling recipes to add flavor and texture to pickled vegetables.

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