5 Ingredients of Kheer Mix That Make It Irresistible

5 Ingredients of Kheer Mix That Make It Irresistible

Imagine the entire family gathered around, eagerly awaiting the first mouthful of your grandmother's famous Kheer. Kheer is not any regular dessert, and kheer making is not a regular activity. It is a dish filled with memories rooted in tradition and a homely feeling. Kheer is an authentic Indian dessert that represents simplicity mingled with a taste that has been handed down from generation to generation. In Indian cuisine, it is considered one of the most popular rice puddings prepared with rich flavors and creamy texture. Its irresistibility lies in its five important elements perfectly fitted together. Each of the ingredients of kheer imparts a separate taste, rendering otherwise plain rice and milk into a palatable comfort-food sweet course. 

Now, let's delve into this blog and find out what magical kheer ingredients make it a timeless classic.

Table of Content

  1. What is Kheer Mix, and what is its other popular name in India?
  2. Why are the Ingredients of Kheer Mix so important?
  3. What are the Main Ingredients of Kheer Mix
  4. Benefits of AsmitA's Kheer Ingredients
  5. Does the market price of the Kheer mix depend on its ingredients?
  6. Kheer Mix Recipes
  7. Bottom Line
  8. FAQs


What Is Kheer Mix And What Is Its Other Popular Name In India?

Kheer Mix is a handy pre-packaged combination that simplifies rice kheer making because it already contains all the ingredients of kheer. It typically comprises kheer ingredients such as rice or seviyan, sugar, and other favorable like cardamom, which are necessary when making this popular delicacy. making it simple to prepare this popular sweet meal. In India, Kheer is also called "Payasam" or "Payesh" in various places, demonstrating the country's unique culinary tradition of rice kheer making. These kheer recipe mixtures allow even the busiest people to experience the flavor and enjoy making kheer without spending too much time in the kitchen, as all the ingredients of kheer are already provided in the kheer recipe mix itself. 

Why Are Ingredients Of Kheer Mix So Important?

The quality of any type of rice kheer recipe lies in the kheer ingredients and the technique of kheer making. Each of the healthy ingredients of Kheer plays a role in the ultimate taste, texture, and consistency. The ingredients in Kheer Mix are important because they capture the essence of this delicacy, guaranteeing that each spoon is full of flavor. The ingredients in kheer, like rice or vermicelli, sugar, and cardamom, form the foundation of rice Kheer, giving it its distinct sweetness and scent. The quality of the ingredients of Kheer has an impact on the dish's taste, texture, and overall enjoyment, making them essential for creating the genuine, soothing experience that Payasam is known for.

What are the Main Ingredients of Kheer Mix

Kheer is a classic Indian dessert known for its creamy and rich flavor. A kheer recipe usually consists of a few key ingredients, which form the base for any kheer mix. The following are the main ingredients of Kheer mix.

  • Vermicelli: The basic component that makes up the ingredients in Kheer is vermicelli, also known as semya, which is generally made from Khapli wheat flour. This type of flour that is used in the ingredients in Kheer has a high capability to absorb liquids and soften when cooked. When making Kheer or badam kheer, look out for Vermicelli as it is responsible for giving Kheer its typical texture as well as laying a foundation for it to be built on.
  • Sweetener: When making kheer or badam kheer, you want to make it sweet. Jaggery, sugar, and other sweeteners can be used as ingredients in Kheer, depending on one’s taste buds. These essential healthy ingredients in kheer recipe dissolve in the boiling milk, providing a sugary taste to the pudding.
  • Cardamom: Cardamom is another essential ingredient in kheer that gives kheer recipes a distinct aromatic flavor. It is perhaps the most important when making rice kheer. It is one of the major and most flavorful ingredients in Kheer. It combines very well with the sweetness, enriching the flavors of this rice pudding.
  • Nuts and dried fruits: When making kheer, almonds, pistachios, and raisins, among other nuts or dry fruits, are often added. These kheer ingredients provide texture contrast as well as bursts of flavors and can, therefore, be classified as one of the major ingredients of kheer as they improve not only the taste but also the presentation of the dish.
  • Saffron: When used sparingly while making kheer, saffron adds richness to any rice kheer recipe, resulting in a beautiful golden hue and subtle aroma. It is another major ingredient of kheer, an extravagant addition to the other kheer ingredients. This is because it enhances the dish with colour and subtle aroma, thus giving it classiness amidst its simplicity.

Benefits of AsmitA's Kheer Mix Ingredients

AsmitA's Kheer Mix makes it easy to prepare this popular dessert. There is no need to measure separate Kheer Mix ingredients; just follow the instructions on the packet. Busy home cooks or professional chefs are assured of a scrumptiously delicious Payasam using a variety of healthy ingredients. You will get more than taste from the dry fruits and other major ingredients of kheer within different Kheer Mix Ingredients, including almonds, cashew nuts, and raisins within each kheer recipe mix. These nutrient-dense bites contain necessary vitamins, minerals, and good fats. 

AsmitA's Kheer Mix Ingredients feature A2 Gir Cow Ghee—an Indian clarified butter traditionally used in its preparation—as a star ingredient. In addition to giving it a rich buttery flavour, it also contains antioxidants. These antioxidants facilitate oxidative stress defense, ensuring sustainable immunity. 

The addition of Jaggery or dates as another main ingredient of kheer, can be used as sweeteners to any rice kheer recipe instead of sugar is indispensable. Jaggery and dates are healthy and natural sweeteners for any kheer recipe you try. Unlike refined sugar alternatives, they release energy slowly, so you will not run out before the end of the day. 

Does the market price of the Kheer mix depend on its ingredients?


Definitely! The quality of rice Kheer Mix Ingredients greatly affects the price, especially if they have been sourced organically. This has been seen in AsmitA's Kheer Mix. They improve on quality, thereby making their rice Kheer Mix a valued investment for both B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Customers). 

Kheer mix prices generally vary depending on the quality and type of ingredients. Quality rice, nuts, and natural sweeteners such as jaggery affect pricing. Apparently, AsmitA's rice Kheer Mixes adhere to this principle, providing an upscale product containing selected healthy ingredients.

Kheer Mix Recipes 

The kheer mix simplifies the process of making this traditional dessert and allows for customization of the rice kheer recipe in terms of sweetness and flavors, making it a versatile addition to your pantry. 

Here is the step-by-step process to make the rice Kheer with the kheer recipe:

  • Measure: For about four persons, take one coffee cup size of the already prepared mix Payasam
  • Boil Milk: Wait for the milk to start boiling up in a small pan that has a thick bottom.
  • Add Kheer Mix: Reduce the heat to low and slowly add the instant Kheer mix to the boiling milk while continuously stirring so that there are no clumps.
  • Cook the Kheer: Let it simmer on low heat for approximately 20-25 minutes or until the rice is soft and the rice kheer becomes thick, to your taste. Occasionally, stir to avoid scorching at the bottom.
  • Adjust Sweetness: If necessary, you may add extra sugar or sweeteners such as jaggery and dates.
  • Serve: This can be served either warm or cold with some nuts like cashew nuts on top or a few strands of saffron for added flavor.

Bottom Line 

Kheer, an Indian traditional dessert, has a simplicity that is irresistible, as well as distinct tastes that make this kheer recipe stand out. It is made from a list of main ingredients of kheer, either rice or vermicelli; this makes it enjoyable since they have a pleasant texture that is soothing and satisfying as well. On the other hand, milk, which is creamy in nature, wraps every grain/strand with its slippery consistency, giving rise to a base that is silky in nature and represents Payasam’s traditional texture. 

This adaptability of any rice kheer recipe to change its taste comes from the sugar part because replacing the sugar with natural sweeteners like dates or jaggery will not only improve the nutritional factor but also make it more flavorful. Another main ingredient of kheer - Dates bring fruity sweetness, while jaggery brings rustic caramelized undertones, each contributing uniquely to making this dish complex. At last, cardamom and crumbled nuts complete the taste with aroma and some crunchiness.

What's more? Kheer not only tastes absolutely amazing, but you can also change its recipe by adding soy milk or different types of nuts based on personal preference. It's one dish, but there are different ways to enjoy it. But what if you don’t have the time or the kheer ingredients to make your perfect rendition of a delicious kheer? Enjoy AsmitA’s assortment of scrumptious instant kheer mixes with healthy ingredients. 

AsmitA’s Instant Kheer mix presents an exceptional option for those who want something different from conventional desserts but want something healthier. The flavors are two, one being Khapli Vermicelli Kheer Mix (Dates) and another one—Jaggery; they meet the demands of modern health-conscious yet flavor-seeking consumers. By choosing AsmitA mixes, you pick up on both our heritage and health at once so that every spoonful of Payasam becomes not just a treat for your palate alone but also goes towards ensuring that you lead a healthier lifestyle. Buy today's AsmitA Kheer Mix and experience Payasam re-imagined with the wholesome goodness of Khapli vermicelli –dates & jaggery!

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