Why Ghee is Good for Diabetes Management?

Why Ghee is Good for Diabetes Management?

People often wonder about the best cooking oil for diabetes or the benefits of ghee for diabetes management. If someone is dealing with diabetes directly or knows someone who is, you may hear these topics brought up in discussions with physicians, dietitians, or personal trainers.

It makes sense that these worries would arise, given that diabetics may suffer grave effects from a loose, unhealthy diet. Ignoring blood sugar increases can result in a number of problems, including mood changes, exhaustion, increased thirst, frequent urination, and blood sugar fluctuations. It's crucial for people with diabetes to make thoughtful food choices.

Every food decision can impact blood glucose levels, and even seemingly "healthy" cooking oils may not be as beneficial as they claim. So, is ghee really good for diabetes? Or is ghee just a normal ingredient mostly used in roti with ghee calories? Let’s find out.

What is diabetes? Insulin, a vital hormone, is released by the Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, specifically by the beta cells. Its primary role is to lower blood glucose levels and promote the storage of glucose in adipose tissues, muscles, and the liver.

Table Of Contents

  1. Is Ghee Good For Diabetes?
  2. How To Consume Ghee For Diabetes?
  3. Glycemic Index Of Ghee
  4. Nutritional Value Of Ghee
  5. Calories In Roti With Ghee
  6. Top Health Benefits Of Ghee
  7. Conclusion

Is Ghee Good For Diabetes?

Navigating dietary choices can be especially challenging for those with diabetes. One common query often revolves around the inclusion of ghee in a diabetic diet. Is ghee good for diabetes? Understanding the relationship between ghee and diabetes requires a closer look at its nutritional composition and impact on blood sugar levels. 

Diabetes mellitus occurs when beta cells either cease insulin secretion entirely or produce insulin in reduced amounts, leading to inefficient pancreatic function. In Type 1 diabetes mellitus, the body's immune system attacks the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans, resulting in no insulin secretion.

Conversely, Type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs when the body can no longer produce or adequately respond to insulin, impacting the role of beta cells in glucose regulation.

The Glycemic Index is frequently the main consideration when selecting meals for diabetics (GI). The goal is to avoid meals rich in glucose (GI) that might cause blood sugar levels to spike.

Conversely, those with diabetes should always choose low Glycemic Index meals since they assist in controlling the release of glucose and minimise unexpected rises in blood sugar.

Let's now discuss ghee. It adds flavour to your food and is also a great source of important nutrients. The way ghee works with the Glycemic Index is where the catch lies. Interestingly, when ghee is mixed with other ingredients, it tends to reduce the overall GI (Glycemic Index) of the meal because of the low ghee glycemic index (GI) and is ideal for people with diabetes. 

Cow ghee can also help in reducing cholesterol while managing the blood sugar level because of its low ghee glycemic index.

What does this mean for diabetic people? That's still fantastic news, though. A spoonful of ghee added to a diabetic patient's diet will significantly assist in controlling their blood sugar levels. This is a simple but efficient way to control your diabetes while still savouring the delicious flavour of ghee. It may therefore be a valuable ally in the continuous fight to control blood sugar levels, so if you've been wondering if, is ghee good for diabetes, the answer is definitely yes!

A number of dietitians claim that "cow ghee is a medication for people with diabetes as it helps to secrete insulin." Fatty acids included in ghee help to stabilize and process elevated blood glucose levels.

Moreover, the incorporation of gh’ee into rice facilitates the effective digestion of glucose by those with diabetes. To get the maximum advantages, ghee from desi Gir cows must be used because of the low glycemic index of ghee.

How To Consume Ghee For Diabetes?

Ghee can be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet for diabetes management. Here are some prime guidelines for incorporating ghee into your diet:



As with every food, moderation is the key, and diabetics should consume ghee in moderation. Since ghee makes food tastier, we usually add a lot of it to our food. However, to understand if people with diabetes eat ghee, the answer would have to come in terms of how much ghee can someone with diabetes eat.

It is advised by expert nutritionists that one should not add more than one teaspoon of ghee to dal or rice. Similarly, even to any other food with a high level of carbs, only one teaspoon of ghee should be added to get more of its benefits. This quantity, even though minimal, works well to ensure proper digestion of the food. 


    For better longevity, we should do workouts, and for workouts, we must consume healthy meals. It becomes imperative for diabetics to do regular workouts containing cardio and strength training exercises.

    Doing regular workouts would also help them to eat ghee. Most of the diabetics in the subcontinent are forced to renounce ghee from their diet and asked to switch the refined vegetable oils, which unfortunately have no health benefits over desi ghee.

      Choose High-Quality Ghee:

      Cow’s Ghee is a medicinal food that promotes overall health and well-being. People with diabetes should choose pure ghee made from grass-fed cows, as it contains more nutrients and is low in fat.

      In conclusion, ghee is a healthy addition to one’s daily diet, especially for diabetics. Experts also advise the use of ghee instead of oil for cooking.

      We usually use a different assortment of oils that we feel are healthy and good for digestion, probably peanut or sunflower oil; however, there is concrete evidence that suggests that when oil is replaced by ghee, the benefits are far higher.

      Ghee, in excess, might work to reverse the benefits it was originally supposed to offer. Consulting a doctor regarding the accurate use of ghee would be best.

        Our ancient wisdom tells us to do always, never to ignore the superfoods (ghee in our case). Our genes are well adapted to them as ghee aids in digestion, and need them rather than commercially modified and manufactured meals coming from stores and malls. Adding ghee to your regular diet is a great way to nourish your body and support your health as a diabetic.


        Glycemic Index Of Ghee

        Ghee has a low glycemic index because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. It promotes the maintenance of brain and gut health. Not just diabetics but all health-conscious people may benefit greatly from the nourishment in Desi ghee.

        Additionally, considering its low glycemic index, incorporating cow ghee into your diet becomes a sensible choice, especially for those aiming to manage blood sugar levels effectively and support insulin regulation for people with diabetes.

        Foods having a lower glucose index are recommended for those who have diabetes. The glycemic index shows how quickly and intensely a certain food category raises blood sugar levels. For a diabetic, foods having a high GI can lead to serious issues over the long and short terms.

        With so many alternatives like ghee available to us in this day and age, it is quite easy to prevent having a persistently high blood sugar level due to high GI meals. Plus, low glycemic index of ghee makes it a versatile addition to various dishes without causing significant spikes in blood sugar levels, supporting better insulin management.

        Similar results are obtained from adding ghee, which lowers the food's total glycemic index. Blood glucose levels are regulated by this. Foods that previously caused blood sugar levels to surge would now be mild. Ghee's ability to be added to rice and consumed facilitates rice digestion, which is just another of its many advantages.

        With ghee, rice—a dish that would often cause problems for someone with diabetes—becomes somewhat palatable! How incredible is that? The dual advantage of enhanced taste and a lower glycemic index makes ghee a valuable inclusion for those mindful of their blood sugar levels, supporting better insulin management. It's essential for individuals with diabetes to consult with their healthcare provider to determine the appropriate amount of ghee in their diet.

        Ghee has very little to no impact on blood sugar levels because of 0 ghee glycemic index and manages insulin effectively. This makes it a healthy alternative for people with diabetes or anybody else who wants to maintain stable blood glucose levels due to the low glycemic index of ghee.

        So, not only does ghee bring its rich flavour to the table, but its minimal impact on the glycemic index adds to its appeal as a health-conscious choice. We now know the answer to the issue of whether ghee is good for diabetes, even at the level of a healthy ghee glycemic index.

        Embracing cow ghee in your diet not only offers a culinary treat but also provides nutritional benefits with its low impact on blood sugar levels, making it a win-win for those managing diabetes or simply striving for balanced nutrition. Many health experts suggest that incorporating ghee, good for diabetics, into a balanced diet may contribute to managing blood glucose levels. 

        Nutritional Value Of Ghee

        Ghee, the golden elixir of Indian cuisine, not only elevates the flavour of our meals but also packs a nutritional value that might surprise you. In a single tablespoon (approximately 14 grams) of ghee, you'll find a powerhouse of nutrients that is beneficial for diabetes. Let's look at the nutritional value of ghee in the below tabular column.


        Quantity per 1 tablespoon(14g)


        123 kcal

        Total Fat


        Saturated Fat






        Total Carbohydrates




        Vitamin A

        1085 IU

        Let's now examine the meaning of these figures. With 120 calories per tablespoon, ghee has a high-calorie content. The surprise is that although the overall fat level of 14 grams may appear excessive, it is mostly saturated fat. Don't panic; studies indicate that a healthy diet can include moderate amounts of saturated fats, such as those in ghee. At 37 milligrams, the cholesterol level of ghee is quite low, making up only 12% of your daily recommended consumption.

        Ghee is interesting since it contains none of the following and has a lot of benefits: protein, carbs, or salt. This makes it a preferred choice for people adhering to particular dietary regimens. Not to mention, vitamin A contributes to overall health and eye health with 1085 IU per tablespoon.

        Hence, the next time you add a teaspoon of cow ghee to your favourite dish, keep in mind that you're also adding some deliciousness that is high in nutritional value to your plate. Butter is a delicious and nutrient-dense ingredient that enhances all your culinary creations and is also ghee good for diabetics.

        Calories In Roti With Ghee

        Now, let's shift our attention to the delightful duo of diabetes and ghee, a match made in culinary heaven. Picture this: a warm, perfectly cooked roti with a generous slathering of ghee. It's not just a combination of flavors; it's a symphony of textures and aromas that will remind you of your grandma's kitchen. But what about the calories on your plate?

        When we delve into the impact on blood sugar levels of this beloved pair, specifically roti with ghee for diabetes, it's worth noting that roti, the unleavened whole wheat bread, is a relatively wholesome choice for managing blood sugar in diabetes.

        An average-sized roti clocks in at around 70-80 calories, bringing a substantial serving of complex carbohydrates to the table. Now, introduce the ghee factor, and things take a flavorful turn. That tablespoon of ghee you're generously drizzling over your roti adds another 120 calories to the mix.

        So, for those keeping a mindful eye on their caloric intake and managing diabetes, this combination of roti with ghee calories can be a bit of a balancing act. On one hand, you have the nourishing goodness of whole wheat in the roti, offering a steady release of energy. On the other hand, the rich, buttery notes of ghee contribute a burst of flavor and, yes, additional calories.

        But here's the twist – don't let those numbers overshadow the joy of savoring this classic pair. Managing diabetes is about enjoying the experience, not simply about calculating calories. Moderation and mindfully enjoying each meal are crucial for managing diabetes.

        Ultimately, the allure of a satisfying meal lies not only in its nutritional value but also in the pure joy it bestows upon your palate and the cosiness it bestows upon your spirit. So manage your "roti with ghee calories" with diabetes in mind, live in the moment, and let the flavors do the talking. It's a voyage of flavor, benefits, and culture on your plate, not simply food.

        Top Health Benefits Of Ghee

        Delight in the goodness of ghee, not just for its delicious taste but also for the health benefits it brings. Here are some of its best benefits:

        Has Healthy Fats: Research proves that ghee is low in fat and has numerous benefits, like healthy fats, which make it add good cholesterol to the body. Ghee does not cause heart diseases like other forms of fat. So, you can enjoy the rich, buttery flavor of ghee guilt-free, knowing that it contributes to a healthier cholesterol profile and doesn't pose the risks associated with some other fats. Additionally, incorporating roti with ghee can be a wise choice for better digestion.

        Helps Digestive System: Ghee consumption is strongly related to a healthy gut. In the olden times, our ancestors used to have a spoonful of ghee before every meal. It lined the gut and reduced the chances of ulcers and cancer. Imagine incorporating this ancient practice into your modern-day meals, like roti with ghee can give your digestive system a supportive boost and potentially reduce the digestion problem.

        Boosts Immune System: Butyric acid, which is abundant in ghee, aids in the body's production of T cells that combat illness. Thus, when you relish that dollop of ghee, you're contributing to your immune system's ongoing fight against infections in addition to enjoying a tasty roti with ghee which can complement your meal.

        Source of Vital Vitamins: Ghee is rich in Vitamin K, which aids in calcium absorption, preventing tooth decay and atherosclerosis. So, when you add ghee to your diet, you're not just savoring a delightful flavor; you're also contributing to stronger bones and overall dental health, offering extra benefits for individuals with diabetes. Including roti with ghee further enhances the nutritional value of your diet.

        Healthy Skin: Packed with fatty acids, antioxidants, and natural emollients, ghee helps you keep your skin healthy by preventing dryness, promoting skin healing, curing cracks, and softening the skin. This is also one of the popular traditional benefits of ghee. So, consider ghee not just as a kitchen staple but as a skincare secret that's been passed down through generations.

        Thicker Skin: Due to the presence of vitamin E and the fact that it can improve hair thickness, ghee is great for applying to the hair and scalp. The health benefits of ghee mean that it can also ease a dry, itchy scalp due to its moisturizing properties. Imagine not just cooking with ghee but also embracing ghee as a natural remedy for thicker, healthier hair and a nourished scalp.

        Strengthens Bones: Ghee, with its rich content of Vitamin K, plays a pivotal role in calcium absorption, aiding in the prevention of tooth decay and averting atherosclerosis. When you incorporate ghee into your diet, it's not just about savoring a delightful flavor; you're actively contributing to stronger bones and enhanced dental health, significant benefits for people with diabetes. Including roti with ghee in your diet is an additional healthy option that adds both taste and nutritional value.

        Weight Loss: Ghee, with its bounty of essential vitamins, revs up the body’s metabolism, making it an ideal medium for weight loss. The rich nutrient profile of ghee contributes to improved metabolism and supports the body in burning other fats, facilitating weight loss. If you're on a weight loss journey, don't shy away from including ghee in your diet; it might just be the delicious secret weapon your body needs to kickstart its metabolism, reaping the benefits of both taste and wellness for everyone including for people with diabetes.

        Treats Menstrual Problems: Ghee tends to balance the hormones in the body, making it an ideal contender if you are looking to relieve yourself of menstrual issues like PMS and irregular periods. So, ladies, consider reaching for that jar of ghee which has numerous health benefits not just for your culinary experiments but also as a potential ally in managing menstrual concerns. Enjoy the additional nutritional benefits of essential vitamins it brings to the table.


        According to research, diabetes affects approximately 30 million individuals in India, encompassing both type 1 and type 2 cases. Urban Crude Prevalence Rate (CPR) hovers around 10%, coupled with an Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) of approximately 9%.

        Navigating diabetes management can be challenging, often leading to scrutiny of dietary decisions. Contrary to a common myth suggesting that desi ghee is harmful to those with diabetes and should be avoided, nutritionists advocate for its moderate daily consumption because of its low ghee gi index and health benefits, especially for diabetes.

        So, can people with diabetes eat ghee? YES, certainly!! Ghee is a great constituent for diabetes; they can also eat roti with ghee considering it a safer choice. People must remember that moderation is important. It is rich in beneficial vitamins and comes with countless benefits to a person’s overall diabetic lifestyle.

        In addition to managing and lowering glucose levels, it helps to keep the heart healthy. People may add organic ghee to other foods to enhance their nutrient quality. Yet, it becomes essential to consume ghee in moderated amounts as per one’s health. Too much intake of ghee is strictly prohibited for those with diabetes. Daily intake of safe quantities of it is useful for overall health and well-being as it possesses numerous health benefits because of the low ghee gi index.

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