Organic Farming Methods Redefined At AsmitA Organic Farms

Organic Farming Methods Redefined At AsmitA Organic Farms

India, a major contributor to global food production, traditionally employed farming methods like crop rotation, compost, manures, and polyculture. In the past, farmers used traditional methods, but now they often use modern ways with chemicals to get more crops.

However, these chemical methods can harm the environment and the food we eat. That's why in India, there's been a change towards organic agriculture in recent years. The organic farming method is a better way to use natural resources and techniques to keep the soil healthy and help the environment and farmers at the same time.

The basic idea of organic agriculture is not just about growing crops; it's about keeping everything in nature healthy—like the soil, the plants, and all the living things around. 

The main goal of organic grown farming is to grow food that's good for you without using harmful stuff. To do this, farmers use different farming practices, like special ways of planting and taking care of the soil. This approach emphasizes sustainable practices, including livestock integration, weed management, chemical-free cultivation, and vermiculture.

By forsaking synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, farmers aim to cultivate crops that are not only healthy for consumers but also eco-friendly.

This blog explores various facets of organic farming methods, ensuring that the food on your plate is a treat for you and the planet, devoid of harmful substances like no fertilizer.

Table Of Contents

  1. What is Organic farming in India
  2. Objective Of Organic Agriculture
  3. Types of Organic Farming
  4. Organic farming Methods and Practices in India
  5. History of AsmitA’s Organic Farming in India
  6. Conclusion


What Is Organic Farming In India

Organic farming in India signifies a shift from traditional agricultural farming practices by avoiding the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

Instead, it relies on natural pest control methods derived from organic sources such as manure, plant residues, and animal waste. This transition towards organic agriculture is a response to the environmental repercussions associated with the widespread use of chemical inputs.

It represents a modern organic agriculture system designed not only to rectify the ecological imbalances caused by conventional farming but also to maintain and enhance the overall health of the ecosystem. The organic method of farming process is considered to be a little more difficult than conventional farming.

An integral part of methods for organic farming method involves the use of organic inputs like green manures and cow dung. Green manures and cultivated cover crops play a crucial role in improving soil fertility, while cow dung serves as a valuable organic agriculture, contributing to soil enrichment and fostering a sustainable approach to crop cultivation.

In essence, organic farming in India embodies a harmonious and environmentally conscious approach to agriculture, promoting the well-being of both the land and its inhabitants.

Objective Of Organic Agriculture

Organic farming method is not merely a cultivation method; it's a holistic approach that places a premium on sustainability, environmental health, and the overall well-being of our ecosystems.

At its core, the objectives of organic farming are geared towards cultivating crops in a manner that eschews synthetic inputs in favour of nature-friendly alternatives.

Organic agriculture examples include crop rotation, where different crops are planted sequentially to enhance soil fertility, and the use of natural pest control methods, such as introducing beneficial insects, to avoid synthetic pesticides.

Practices of organic farming play a vital role towards a sustainable future. Let's look into the key organic agriculture methods that guide organic farming practices, shaping a pathway towards a more harmonious coexistence with the environment. 

Elimination of Synthetic Inputs:

Organic farming practices aim to exclude the use of synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers, relying instead on natural alternatives for pest control and soil fertility.

Promotion of Natural Pest Control:

The main focus of organic agriculture is that instead of relying on chemical pesticides, organic farming employs methods like companion planting and biological pest control to manage pests and diseases in an eco-friendly manner.

Enhancement of Soil Health:

The objective of organic agriculture is to improve soil fertility and structure through the use of organic inputs such as compost, green manures, and animal manure, fostering long-term productivity.

Sustainable Agriculture Practices:

The main organic farming process includes avoiding synthetic inputs and emphasizing organic alternatives; organic agriculture contributes to sustainable agricultural practices that are environmentally friendly.

Biodiversity Promotion:

Organic farming encourages the cultivation of diverse crops and discourages monoculture, fostering biodiversity to maintain natural balance and reduce the risk of pests and diseases.

Eco-Friendly Crop Rotation:

Organic farmers employ crop rotation strategies in organic agriculture to maintain soil health, prevent nutrient depletion, and reduce the risk of pests and diseases associated with continuous monoculture. This is one of the most important process of organic farming.

Respect for Ecological Balance:

The most important objective of organic agriculture is to create a harmonious balance between agriculture and nature, prioritizing practices that support the health of the entire ecosystem.

Recommended Article: Organic Farming Vs Natural Farming


Types of Organic Farming

Within the realm of organic agriculture practices, two distinct approaches have emerged: pure organic farming and integrated organic farming. Each method carries its set of advantages and drawbacks, allowing farmers to tailor their practices based on preferences and ecological considerations.

Pure Organic Farming:

One of the types of organic agriculture is pure organic farming, true to its name, relies solely on natural methods for cultivation. This approach staunchly avoids the use of inorganic chemicals that may pose harm to the soil, crops, and ultimately, those who consume the produce.

In this method, farmers exclusively utilize organic fertilizers and bio-pesticides derived from natural sources. Examples include bone meal, blood meal, and other organic matter.

By excluding synthetic inputs, pure organic farming techniques emphasize a more traditional and naturalistic approach to agriculture.

Integrated Organic Farming:

On the other hand, integrated organic farming takes a comprehensive approach by merging pest management and nutrient management strategies.

The goal of integrated organic grown farming methods is to meet ecological requirements while simultaneously addressing economic demands. These green farming practices recognize the interconnectedness of various farming aspects, integrating them into a cohesive system.

Farmers practising integrated organic farming carefully balance the use of organic fertilizers and bio-pesticides with other ecological practices to create a harmonious and sustainable farming ecosystem.

Organic Farming Methods And Practices In India

The methodology of organic farming is like going back to nature's way of growing food. Instead of using chemicals, it uses natural methods to keep the soil and plants healthy.

Farmers use organic agriculture methods to enrich the soil with nutrient-rich compost. Let's take a look at the methods for organic agriculture farming and practices in India.

Crop Rotation:

In India, farmers practice crop rotation in organic farming by planting different crops in the same field at different times. This helps maintain soil fertility, reduces the risk of pests and diseases, and ensures sustainable agriculture.

Green Manures:

The second most organic method of farming includes green manures. Farmers use green manures, which are special crops planted to add nutrients to the soil. These crops improve soil fertility naturally, providing essential elements for the healthy growth of subsequent crops.


The third organic method of farming includes composting is a common practice where farmers mix kitchen scraps, plant leftovers, and other organic matter to create natural fertilizer. This homemade compost enriches the soil, promoting robust and nutrient-rich plant growth.

Pest Management:

In organic farming, pest management involves using beneficial insects or natural methods to control harmful pests. This eliminates the need for chemical pesticides, promoting a healthier environment.

Weed Management:

Weed management is one of the crucial techniques of organic farming for maintaining a healthy crop. Farmers in India adopt practices to keep unwanted plants in check, ensuring that crops receive sufficient nutrients and water without competition. Weed management is one of the important organic method of farming.

Soil Management:

Indian farmers focus on soil management to nurture the ground where crops grow. By adopting organic farming methods, they ensure the soil remains fertile, contributing to sustainable and fruitful harvests.

Crop Diversity:

A contemporary agricultural approach known as 'Polyculture' has gained popularity recently. This polyculture method involves cultivating a diverse range of crops concurrently, addressing the growing global demand for food items.

In India, organic farmers emphasize crop diversity by growing various types of crops together. This is one of the best polyculture techniques of organic farming, which not only supports a balanced ecosystem but also reduces the vulnerability of crops to specific pests and diseases.


Vermiculture is an important part of the organic method of farming involves using worms to create natural fertilizer. In India, farmers utilize worms to break down organic matter, producing nutrient-rich soil that enhances the overall health of the crops.

History of AsmitA’s Organic Farming in India

In 1990, Mr. Muzaffar Hussain sowed the seeds of AsmitA Organic Farms in the serene landscapes of Ramtek, Nagpur, Maharashtra. His journey began with a singular vision - to revolutionize Indian agriculture. Moving beyond conventional farming practices, Mr. Hussain explored the coastal realms of Dhanau in 2007, fostering a deep understanding of the interconnectedness between nature and organic agriculture.

With time comes experience, and in 2017, AsmitA Organic Farms underwent a transformative shift under Mr Hussain's discerning eye. Recognizing the urgent need for sustainable practices, he introduced 100% organic natural farming and organic agriculture techniques. This commitment to chemical-free cultivation and the methodology of organic farming evolved into a groundbreaking initiative in 2021, with the establishment of the 'organic spice garden' - the first of its kind in Vidharbha, Maharashtra.

Today, in 2023, AsmitA Organic Farms stands as a beacon of sustainable and organic agriculture following 100% organic farm practices, boasting over 72+ organic products. Strict adherence to organic guidelines has become the bedrock of our operations, ensuring that every product reflects the essence of genuine, chemical-free nourishment.

The legacy of AsmitA Organic Farms continues to thrive, offering a promise of real food that is not a rarity, a fair share for farmers, and a planet breathing in an atmosphere of respect, love, and care.


Organic farming in India represents a holistic and sustainable approach that resonates with today's growing environmental awareness. With green farming practices and organic agriculture techniques deeply rooted in tradition and a fusion of modern agricultural science, Indian farmers nurture the land through methods like zero-budget natural farming, organic manure, and biofertilizers. This organic agriculture approach prioritizes environmental benefits, health, and local economic support, making it a promising choice.

However, challenges such as limited awareness and bureaucratic certification processes must be overcome. Successful organic farming in India demands patience, ecological knowledge, and a commitment to safer food production and environmental preservation.

By embracing flexibility and sharing knowledge, Indian farmers can ensure a thriving future for organic agriculture, fostering a healthier environment and more prosperous communities. Supporting organic farming in India means endorsing a conscientious and sustainable path toward safer food and a greener planet.

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